Social Responsibility

Societal Transformation

A2A Kopano Incorporated - Level 1 B-BBEE Compliant Contributor

Empowerment is a core aspect of our organisational DNA

Our responsibility towards society

As a firm, A2A Kopano Incorporated aims to be a responsible corporate citizen, and that means investing in the future of our country.

We are a purpose-driven, people-focused firm, and our values underscore the importance of driving competence and iimprovement on every level.

This means that we are fully committed to the development of the people of South Africa, and therefore have an extensive Corporate Social Responsibility programme. One of our objectives is to be the employer of choice in our field.

A2A Kopano Incorporated places great importance on empowerment as a form of Corporate Social Responsibility. By supporting, and providing jobs to previously disadvantaged groups we are building a generation of respected financial practitioners who will in turn be able to contribute to the economy as a whole.

Fully committed to development

Social Responsibility Development Programme

  • Social responsibility is an ethical ideology that an entity has an obligation to act to benefit society at large.
  • As one of the pre-eminent professional services firm in South Africa, one of our objectives is to be and remain the employer of choice in our field.
  • As a firm, we aim to be responsible corporate citizens, and that means investing in the future of our country.
  • We are fully committed to the development of our people and believe that our Corporate Social Responsibility Programme, coupled with our commitment to its success, will equip our firm to progress with confidence.
  • We feel a sense of contributing to the transformation of our local society.

Bespoke Marketing Plans

Transformation & Black Empowerment

  • A2A Kopano Incorporated is a certified Level 1 B-BBEE compliant contributor.
  • We are also in the process of formulating a bursary scheme through our clients for those students who cannot afford university fees.
  • Our affirmative action programme is supported by investing in our people’s core skills through capacity building and skills transfer.
  • To date, our progress on transformation is as follows: +/- 50% of our staff are from previously disadvantaged communities and +/- 50 % of our staff are female.

Black Designated Groups (Employee Transformation Scorecard)

Our Services

Find out more about what we offer at A2A Kopano Incorporated

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